What is Sciatica and how to deal with it
What is Sciatica and how to deal with it. As any sports person will know that anyone who is unfortunate to suffer from Sciatic nerve pain will know it can be excruciatingly painful and cause severe discomfort. The most common causes of sciatica may include a ruptured disk, a narrowing of the spine canal (called spinal stenosis) or injury.
According to most medical experts, sciatica pain can occur for a variety of reasons with Identifying what body parts don’t move is the first step toward solving the problem.
More than often, the most problematic body parts are the lower back and hips. Some experts believe that the best way to alleviate most sciatica pain is to do any stretch that can externally rotate the hip to provide some relief.
Here are some position exercises that you can to help relieve the pain. However, you must never participate or try these unless you have been given the OK from your medical expert to do so in case of further injury.
The Reclining Pigeon Pose
The Reclining Pigeon pose is a common yoga pose as it works towards opening the hips. There are several versions of this stretch with the first being a version known as the reclining pigeon pose.
- While lying on your back, gently bring your right leg up to a right angle. Clasp both of your hands behind your thigh, locking your fingers.
- Lift your left leg and place your right ankle on top of the left knee.
- Hold this position for a moment. This helps stretch the tiny piriformis muscle, which sometimes becomes inflamed and presses against the sciatic nerve, causing pain.
Repeat the same exercise with the other leg.
The Sitting Pigeon Pose
Again, making yourself comfortable, sit on the floor with your legs stretched out straight in front of you.
- Bend your right leg while putting your right ankle on top of the left knee.
- Lean yourself forward and allow your upper body to reach toward your thigh.
- Hold this position for between 15 to 30 seconds. This stretches the glutes and lower back.
- The repeat this movement on the other side.
Knee to opposite shoulder exercise
This very simple type of stretch helps to relieve sciatica pain by loosening your gluteal and piriformis muscles, which may become inflamed and press against the sciatic nerve. Again making yourself comfortable,
- Lie down on your back with your legs extended out and your feet flexed upward.
- Bend your right leg and clasp your hands around the knee.
- Slowly and gently pull your right leg across your body toward your left shoulder. Hold it there for 30 seconds. Remember to pull your knee only as far as it will comfortably go.
You should feel a relieving stretch in your muscle, not pain. - Push your knee so your leg returns to its starting position.
- Repeat this 3 times then switch legs.
Take care before when exercising
It’s important to emphasise that you should never automatically assume that you are as flexible as you think you are.
Caution is always required when trying something new or that your body may not be used to. There is never a one-size-fits-all exercise for people who have sciatic nerve pain.
Anyone who experiences even the mildest form of sciatic nerve pain for a period of a week or so should seek professional medical advice from a registered GP or physical therapist.
They may be able to help you find relief with an in-home exercise program that is specially tailored towards you and your pain.
What is Sciatica and how to deal with it