How to wear a crop top

How to wear a crop top

How to wear a crop top

How to wear a crop top. As a fashion trend of the ’90s, the crop top is back simply because it’s a classic piece of fashion that can now be enjoyed by women of all ages and not just attributed to teen lovers of the era of Bros and Shakira.

Reinvent your Bra look

The reboot of this charming and youthful piece of fashion apparel is all down to the reinvention of its flattering cuts and styles that eradicate the exclusiveness traditionally associated 16-year-old girls in days gone by.

With more women now into healthy eating and different sports lifestyles, it’s a fantastic way for both women and girls to flash some midriff while enjoying this flesh bearing piece of fashion.

However, caution has to be at the forefront of every girl or women’s mind when choosing and wearing a crop top. It’s not a piece of “throw on an go” fashion you can wear easily.

You want to look your best and get the most from your choice of crop top and here are a few things to consider before you don that snappy piece of fashion.

How to wear a crop top

Watch what you eat

Get rid of the bloat. By eating foods that are high in potassium such as like avocados and carrots can reduce bloating to the stomach area.

The sodium in these can reduce bloating to the belly!

Staying away from sugary drinks and replacing this with lots of drinking water will also help.

Consider the style of top that is right for your shape. Pseudo crop tops are shorter than normal tops.

However, they don’t actually reveal any skin, making them the perfect as your entry-level choice of top for beginners.

Beginner crops expose a small strip under the bra line with more advanced crops flashing a sneak peek of the navel. The higher the line of your crop top the easier it is to wear.

Stiff material is best. Loose materials used in the design of a crop top can look sometime look sloppy and give off a more hippish look. Go with more structured and heavy fabrics that maintain their shape.

Give yourself some space to breathe. Snug tops are infamously unrelenting. Crop tops that extend past your body create the illusion of a smaller midriff.

Don’t confuse with shape-wear. Crop tops and shape-wear are total opposites when it comes to wardrobe design.

If you are reluctant to part with your Spanx while wearing your crop then ensure that it is not visible from any angle. You should basically be able to make most manoeuvre with a glimpse of it showing.

Prepare your skin. When wearing a crop is like having huge arrows pointing at your stomach area as it’s near impossible not to look.

Ensure sure your skin is in tip top shape by moisturising, and resisting the self-impulse to self-tanning the skin in the exposed area.

A bronzed style glow may be slimming, but when your middle is three shades darker than the rest of your body, it’s just does not look right.

If you insist on self-tanning, please ensure , your face matches your midriff.

Remember to stay conservative. Depending on how you choose to style your crop and the amount of skin you wish to exposure, remember if select midriff as your finished look, your cleavage, back, side-boob, under-bum should always remain covered.

Stand tall. For the perfect look at all times, ensure to sit up straight and walk tall (no slouching).

A good posture not only looks more refined but also prevents folds, bumps, rolls, and any unflattering angles that may result from crouching forward with your shoulders slumped.

Let your hair loose. For that really cool look, let your hair loosen and tidy it up with a nice ponytail.

It only takes a few minutes to create and works with whatever your hair’s natural texture is.

It’s a perfect no-fuss look.

Relax and enjoy. You can diet all you want and hold in those important breaths to present an image of a little tiny doll, but at some time or another you have to eventually breathe.

Remember you don’t have to be a skinny stick to enjoy the benefits of a crop top.

No longer are women being judged on their skinny looks that don’t represent the look of the true women of today.

Be yourself and enjoy what you wear. Follow the above guidelines and you can wear your crop top with confidence as there is no such thing as the perfect figure. Be yourself and enjoy!

How to wear a crop top