Here are some cleansing mistakes to be aware of
Here are some cleansing mistakes to be aware of. Facial cleansing is not as easy as you may think, especially if you want to achieve pure cleaned look that your skin deserves.
Many of us think it’s a simple as splashing our face with a bit of warm water and job done. You have to remember that good healthy skin requires time out of evening schedule every day to keep it looking radiant and smooth. We have come up with some cleansing tips that will help you on your way to accomplish healthy looking natural skin.
Take time out from facial wipes
There is no harm in pulling back on using wipes as part of your daily cleaning schedule. OK, they are convenient as you only have to pull out and wipe.
They are great for removing makeup but you have to consider that a lot of them contain chemicals that aggravate the skin, not mentioning the hard scrubbing involved to remove steadfast mascara around your fragile eyes. If you do use wipes as part of your end of day cleansing routine, check to ensure that they only contain 100% natural substances that are kind to your skin.
Choose natural reduced oil products for oily skin
It’s a logical theory that rubbing oil on oil doesn’t work and both give off an oily resistant barrier working against themselves. Always choose grainy type products that will grip the skin and blitz any surface grease away.
Caution is required though as you skin is fragile so no harsh rubbing please and this may only make your skin worse. Your skin is designed to produce oil, especially when you are young as it acts as a barrier to protecting your skin. To0 much rubbing will only produce more oil on your skin so nice and gently does the trick.
Cleanse twice to be sure
Some of us think that once we have cleaned our skin once that its sufficient and that the time spent will lead you to having healthy and natural skin. Well here’s food for thought! Imagine all the things you wear on our skin every day. From Makeup, to fake tan to sunscreen etc, all of these can build up over time.
Now add the abuse your skin gets from air pollution from the environment you like and work. You skin deserves a little TLC every day so at night, once you’ve rinsed your cleanser away, you should be going in for round two and lather your skin deep with a natural cleanser down to reach into pores. It’s a time investment into looking after your skin.
Switching water temperatures doesn’t work
Take note that switching water temperatures while cleaning from hot to cold does not open and close you skin pores simultaneously. The fact is by switching from hot to cold will only put your skin into shock mode which in turn will have a negative effect on your cleaning, Keep the water at a lukewarm temperature and you will benefit from better results.
Reduce your scrubbing time
Every one of us loves the feeling of soft freshly-scrubbed skin and to some it can be addictive to scrub every day. The fact of the matter is, don’t. Try and restrict your skin scrub to once a week as not to tear or damage your skin pores.
Cream cleansers are not meant to soak into your skin
Most of us use them as cream cleansers feel so nice and rejuvenating on dry skin. Some of us are even tempted to apply them and let them soak into our skin so they consume our skin pores. Well no and we strongly recommend that you revise your thinking on this one. Cleansers aren’t designed to sink into your skin as once they do they’re less effective at cleansing the surface of skin
Read the ingredient content of your products
We are all conscious about the foot and liquids we put into our bodies so why should it be any different when it comes to our skin? Yes we are all guilty of only reading the front of our beauty bottles to ensure they remove our makeup and clears our clogged pores? However, by doing this you are missing the important stuff.
For example, what chemicals are in the product that we are buying that some of maybe allergic to. Sodium lauryl sulphate is a common foaming agent, but it’s can aggravate you skin if used daily.
Sweet smelling fragrances are also found in cleansing products that are totally unnecessary. You are spending your hard earned cash to treat your beautiful skin so always read the label and where possible choose natural beauty products when available.
Just because the Kardashians or other major celebrities are endorsing a product doesn’t mean it’s the best. Remember, they are getting paid to say how great it is!
Just because a beauty product is expensive, doesn’t mean it’s the best your money can buy. Choose natural or organic products and see improved results. They are also less damaging to the environment.
Finally, ensure you drink at least a litre of water daily as well as eating natural fruits that contain vital vitamins. This can dramatically improve your skin.
Ditch sugary products and replace them with fruits that will not only enhance your body from within, but will also help your overall skin look for years to come.