Look after your Well-Being. Our own Well-Being is a combination of health, happiness, and prosperity.
This includes having good mental health, high life satisfaction, and a sense of meaning or purpose.
More generally, well-being is attributed to simply feeling well about yourself.
Well-being is something we all search for because it includes lots of positive things. This includes feeling happy, healthy, socially connected, and purposeful.
Unfortunately, due to financial, social and economic circumstances, people’s own well-being in Ireland appears to be in decline. This is having a major impact on today’s society.
Some people suffer from the effects of not being able cope with the cards that life has dealt them. It’s OK as help is on hand.
Increasing your well-being is a journey to contentment and without realising it. We all have the inner tools to help us deal all situations. Look after your Well-Being Increasing your well-being is about figuring out what parts of well-being are most important for you. Learning with the help of others to figure out how, exactly you can build well-being skills, no one should or has to suffer in silence with. We at GAASTARS have put together a list of some organisations here in Ireland that you can call upon for help with your our well-being. Whether you have a problem with your own mental health or have an addition you need guidance with they is available. People are here to lend an ear and help you though things in a non-judgmental way. Life is to be enjoyed and sometimes without us realising it, we are all important to the people around us in the community that we live.Seeking help to improve your well-being is a strength, not a weakness and takes does courage. Look after your Well-Being There are so many people out there willing to listen in confidence and provide you with the adequate tools and help to improve your own well-being. |
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If you are worried that you may have an addiction or high dependency on any type of drugs, help is at hand. Contact drugs.ie. This website is managed by the HSE National Social Inclusion Office who are responsible for providing services connected to a range of issues and vulnerable groups including drug usage related issues. Why not take their discreet on-line test here to see how you compare. |
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Are you concerned that you may have a gambling habit that is causing you concern? Gamblers Anonymous is a non-government organisation that offers free help and advice to people who are seeking help with their gambling habits. The only requirement for membership of Gamblers Anonymous is for their members to stop gambling. For more advice visit their website. |
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We all know someone who has been affected by cancer in some shape or another. It’s comforting to know that help is at hand for anyone who may have concerns or queries about their own health/ Established back in in 1963, The Irish Cancer Society is dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. They aim to improve lives of those who have cancer. If you are worried that you may be affected by Cancer, then contact them today! Their special team of caring experts are there to help you and address any queries you may have. Visit their site here. |
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Do you feel that alcohol is affecting your day to day life to a point where it is controlling you? If so, why not contact Alcoholics Anonymous. They are a fellowship of men and women in Ireland who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for A.A. membership with their primary aim to help alcoholics achieve sobriety. Check out their short on-line test to see how drinking affects you. Visit their website here. |
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Respect, tolerance and understanding for people around us regardless of their sex, race or religion is vital. It helps create a successful environment for us all to live in today! Founded back in 2001, The Immigrant Council of Ireland, is an Independent Law Centre, that works to provide assistance to people from a migrant background and improving and protecting their rights. Their vision is to create a society that is fair, respects human rights and diversity. They are committed to everyone, including people from a migrant background having the opportunity to fulfil their potential. If you feel your human rights are being abused then contact them for more advice today! |
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With the busy lives that all women lead today we sometimes forget to do the important things like look after our own well-being. Cervical Check is the national cervical screening programme that aims to reduce the number of women in Ireland who develop cervical cancer. They offer free screening tests to all women aged 25 to 60 who live in Ireland. Ladies, don’t neglect your health and make sure you get your Cervical Check appointment done today! |
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It’s OK not to be OK and that’s our message to anyone not feeling good at the moment. Depression can hit anyone of us at any time and it’s important to remember that you don’t have to suffer in silence. Since 2006, Pieta House opened its doors to the Irish community and continues to help over 36,000 people who are in suicidal distress or engaging in self-harm. They have twelve subsequent centres across Ireland with trained staff who are there not to judge, but to listen to people struggling with issues in their life. Remember, there is no shame in feeling down or depressed. Seeking help takes courage and that next step to your wellness is on a phone call or click away! |
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Childline Ireland is a part of the ISPCC (The Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children). that are open 24/7 days a week, Childline offers confidential help and support to young people who may have something on their mind that they need to discuss or need help with. They don’t judge you or tell you what to do. All they are there to do is listen and will help you to figure out the best solution for you. You can contact Childline for free at any time of the day or night by calling 1800 66 66 66. You can also chat to them live on this website, or, if you prefer to text, you can contact Childline by sending a text to 50101. Childline doesn’t trace calls or texts and your IP address is not visible to them. If you have a problem then there is always an ear to listen. |